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They got married thanks to Kidoushin...
The concept
One of a kind, our concept is a mix between the marriage agencies of Jewish religious circles that bring reliability of proposals and Chadhanim expertise (qualified matchmakers) and use of advanced technology to respond to a public not necessarily religious but very connected.
Who is our site for ?
All Jewish Francophones around the world are concerned, single, divorced, widowed ... No limit of age, place or level of religiosity: from "little believer" to "orthodox" through " traditionnalist » our site includes people of all trends.In concrete terms, how does it work…?
- Once registered on the site, your advisor will make a telephone contact with you, to learn more about: your life, your expectations and your desires.
- But, since we are not robots ... The profiles that will be able to correspond to you will be process one by one, with your advisor, during the meetings of "matching" of the team.
- From here,. your profile will be validated*, and the search algorithm, developed exclusively for the Jewish community, will search for "compatible" profiles
- The final decision will be made between your advisor and that of the person concerned, then we will contact you to propose the profile and it will be up to you to decide if you want to go further ...